Atomic Wings has instituted a comprehensive set of privacy policies and procedures to ensure that its Website visitors’ privacy is never compromised. The purpose of this privacy notice is to inform our Website visitors of the type of information that Atomic Wings, or a credit card processing partner acting on its behalf, collects from the Website, how the information is gathered, how it is utilized, how long it is retained and how visitors can restrict its use or disclosure.

The primary focus of AtomicWing’s privacy policy is to ensure that all Website visitors’ customer identification, which we term “customer identifiable information,” is kept private at all times. As the term suggests, “customer identifiable information”is information which can be associated with a specific individual or entity, including, for example, a customer’s name, address, or telephone number, e-mail address and information about online activities that are directly linked to them.

The collection of customer identifiable information is a critical element in the day-to-day operation of the Website to allow Atomic Wings to maintain the highest level of customer service for all Website visitors. It is a common practice and often a necessity for companies, governments, or other organizations to collect customer identifiable information in order to conduct business and offer services.

Atomic Wings always strives to safeguard the customer identifiable information obtained from its Website users and visitors (collectively, “customers”) from any unauthorized intrusions.

Atomic Wings may contact people on the home phone number they enter on our Website, input into our automated phone system or give to an agent in case of technical difficulties, promotions and/or reminders.


Atomic Wings will not sell, trade, or disclose to third parties any customer identifiable information derived from the registration for, or use of, an Atomic Wings product or service — including customer names and addresses — without the consent of the customer. Atomic Wings will, however, disclose customer identifiable information as required by subpoena, search warrant, or other legal process or in the event that such customer is engaging in unlawful use of our Website.

When Atomic Wings uses third parties to perform services on its behalf, Atomic Wings will request that such third parties protect your customer identifiable information consistently with this privacy policy. However, we cannot ensure that all of your customer identifiable information will never be disclosed, as regulatory and/or other requirements may make disclosure necessary.

Collection and Use

In some instances, Atomic Wings may collect information that is not “customer identifiable information.” Some examples of this type of information include the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of operating system you have configured on your computer, and the domain name of the Website and/or Internet Service Provider from which you are linked to our Website. Atomic Wings primarily uses this information for market research and optimizing its systems in order to deliver the best customer experience possible.

Atomic Wings may collect and use customer identifiable information for various purposes, including but not limited to, billing purposes, to provide or change service, to anticipate and resolve problems with your service, or to inform you of products and services that better meet your needs. This means that Atomic Wings may use your customer identifiable information, in conjunction with information available from other sources, to market new services that may be of interest to you, but Atomic Wings will not disclose your customer identifiable information to third parties who want to market products to you.

Declining email offers

Atomic Wings will only send our customers email regarding promotional offers or other news if a customer specifically grants us permission. A customer has the right to choose not to receive Atomic Wings e-mail direct marketing communications by simply notifying us of their preference. This process is commonly termed opting-out or unsubscribing. At any time, a customer can unsubscribe from our email list by clicking on the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of every message or promotion delivered electronically to our customers. Upon such notice, Atomic Wings (a) will not contact that customer directly with Atomic Wings promotional messages, and (b) will not use customer identifiable information obtained from that customer’s registration to contact that customer with Atomic Wings product or service messages. A customer may also choose not to receive such messages by notifying Atomic Wings via fax or mail.


Atomic Wings has gone to great lengths to implement technology and security features to safeguard the privacy of your customer identifiable information from unauthorized access or improper use, and Atomic Wings, based on its judgment, will continue to enhance its security procedures as new technology becomes readily available. However, since there is no such thing as “perfect Internet security”, Atomic Wings cannot provide any guarantees of 100% security compliance.

Email Contents

Atomic Wings will not read or disclose to third parties private e-mail communications that are transmitted using Atomic Wings services except as required to operate the service or as otherwise authorized by law.

Improper Conduct

Atomic Wings may also use customer identifiable information to investigate and help prevent potentially unlawful activity or activity that threatens the network or otherwise violates the customer agreement for that service.

Account Information

Atomic Wings honors requests from customers for account information and will correct any such information, which may be inaccurate. Customers may contact Atomic Wings to verify that appropriate corrections have been made.


When you visit our Website, we may store information on your computer that allows us to identify you immediately. This process is often referred to as “cookie” technology. More specifically, a cookie is a commonly used Internet standard which stores, in a very small text file on the customer’s hard disk, information specific to the customer. Our Website makes limited use of cookies in an effort to improve our level of service to our Website visitors. Cookies cannot be accessed by any other Website other than the Website issuing the cookie. The private features of our Website are only accessible when cookies are enabled in the customer’s browser. If a customer does not wish to utilize cookies, this feature may be disabled within the customer’s Web browser. However, by disabling cookies, a customer will not have access to private areas of our Website through that browser.


Atomic Wings may use third-party companies and contain links to third-parties on our Website. We have not reviewed these third parties’ privacy practices. Linkage to another Website(s) does not constitute approval or endorsement of the Website or any material contained therein. We are not responsible or liable for the privacy practices or contents on these linked Websites. We suggest you check the Privacy Notice on each Website you visit. Your connection to the linked Websites is at your own risk.


Occasionally, we may conduct surveys on our Website. Surveys are conducted at random and are completely voluntary to our Website visitors. The survey may require a customer to provide customer identifiable information in exchange for the information or services provided by the survey. We may use this information in an aggregate manner to better tailor the type of services, information, and advertising that are provided on our Website.

Policy Changes

Atomic Wings reserves the right to change its privacy policy by publishing new terms on its Website at any time and your access and use of the Atomic Wings Website thereafter constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of such amended policy. This privacy policy does not create any legal right for your or any third parties.


Atomic Wings Websites are not structured to attract children under the age of 13. Atomic Wings believes there is no information on its Website that is inappropriate or objectionable for viewing by children.

Atomic Wings does not knowingly, directly, or passively; collect information from children under the age of 13. If we create offers and products that make it appropriate to collect information from children under the age of 13, we will notify you of the change in this privacy policy. We also will ask a parent to confirm his/her consent in advance of any collection, use or disclosure of that information. We do not collect any information that is not submitted to us. We only use personally identifiable information so that we may better understand our customers’ needs and send information to customers regarding new services or offerings. We do not sell any customer identifiable information or disclose any customer identifiable information to third parties.

Ordering online products and services from Atomic Wings is limited to adults (ages 18+). However, you should be aware that wireless devices and services purchased for family use may be used by minors without the knowledge of Atomic Wings. If that happens, any information collected from the usage will appear to be the personal information of the actual adult subscriber and treated as such under this privacy policy.


Please direct any questions or comments regarding our privacy policy to